WhatsApp call recording spy
WhatsApp call recorder spy for audio calls
WhatsApp call recording spy for video calls
WhatsApp notes tracker
If you want to record Whatsapp calls or Whatsapp notes you are on the right page!
All you need to know about WhatsApp call recording spy
Spy App for Mobile Phone can be used as a WhatsApp call recording spy app. However, there are few conditions in order for this feature to work:
1. Whatsapp call recording feature is available for a FULL Spapp Monitoring subscription. Please make sure to make a full subscription (to include recordings). If you have a basic subscription right now you can make a subscription upgrade. Just go to your payment section from the right sided menu and follow the steps for subscription upgrade. In trial you'll receive 5 random recordings (no matter if a normal call recording, surrounding, Whatsapp call recording or Whatsapp note). Normally in the first trial day you'll receive the free recordings.
2. You must have version 16.0 of SPAPP Monitoring on your target device. Whatsapp call recorder tracker apk can be downloaded for free from our website.
Download Spapp Monitoring
- Android version
3. Your target device must be at least Android 10. On lower Android versions Whatsapp call recorder spy feature is not available.
4. When you record Whatsapp calls doesn't matter if is a video or normal Whatsapp call. The audio call recording will be done for both.
All you need to know about WhatsApp notes spy
As for Whatsapp call recorder spy feature, for Whatsapp notes tracker you need to follow few conditions to make it work:
1. You need SPAPP Monitoring version 16.0. You can download and install it for free from our website.
Download Spapp Monitoring
- Android version
2. Whatsapp notes spy feature is available for lower Android versions, not only Android 10 and 11 so you can enjoy this new feature no matter your target's Android version.
3. As the Whatsapp call recording spy feature, Whatsapp notes spy feature is available for a full subscription only. If you make a new subscription please make sure to check to include the recordings. If you have already a basic subscription you can upgrade it at any time. Just go to the payment section from the right sided menu and select the upgrade option. After it follow all the asked steps.
WhatsApp is a trademark of Whatsapp Inc. WhatsApp can be downloaded from this page - Download WhatsApp. You can also download it from Google Play download.
Android is a registered trademark of GOOGLE LLC.
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Spapp Monitoring for Android |
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i took 6 month call recording but i cant hear whtsup calls recording plz reply me whole procedure
Hi, You need notification access and accessibility access. Do you have a notification on your phone when you call or are being called on Whatsapp?
Hi l can't hear voice notes
Hi, Did you try to download the file on Android phone? On Windows, you can also use VLC.
In call recording only one side voice is audible, can you please let me know how to get voices of both sides.
Ok these is a best
Hi, This may be a limitation from your phone due to different laws related to call recording.
I'm unable to listen to calls and watsapp voice notes
Hi, What app do you use to play the recordings and the notes? We recommend using VLC.
Not at receive whatsapp audio or video call recording,normal calls recording & whatsapp massages please verify my broblem.
I want to whatsapp record
Hi, We would have to check your account. This is why we recommend to contact our support team. Does the phone has storage? Without available storage, you can not store the recordings.
I have version 16.6 spapps app, call duretion is display but not sound recording why
Hi, is the call recording silent? If yes please enable the accessibility access. Call recording is only possible with accessibility access enabled for new versions of Android.